a. Tap on ‘Choose store & order type’.

b. Select (a) ‘Delivery’ order type. And tap on (b) ’Find my nearest location’ to find a store near you.

c. Select the first store that is listed as the nearest and tap ’Continue’.
d. Read the delivery notice and acknowledge.
e. Tap on (a) ‘Use my current location’ if the drop off point is the same as your current location. If you are delivering the order to a different location, you may search for the address in the textfield (b). Refer to the search term suggestions (c) if you need more help.
f. Double check on the drop off location, you may drag the map to the actual location if need be. Once the address is correct, click ‘Confirm drop off point’.

g. To help the rider locate you faster, select your house type and fill in your unit number before tapping ‘Continue’.
h. Select delivery date and time slot. Then ’Continue to menu’.
i. Choose from the available menu.
j. Select quantity and options. Then ‘Add to cart’.

k. Tap to view the cart when you’re ready to check out.

l. Double check on the order details and proceed to check out.

m. Fill in the contact details and recipient details. Tick the small box if the contact person and the recipient is the same. Then, select your preferred payment method and tap ‘Pay now’ to make payment.